“Teaching the Power of Resilience”
Mission Statement: Resilient Minds (RM) seeks to assist those who have intentional courage, commitment and courage to aim high & persevere through unfavorable circumstances to accomplish their goals, dreams and intended target while displaying; tremendous grit. RM strives to assist these individuals by exposing them to new experiences and by creating accessibility to community resources required to propel them forward.
Vision Statement: RM seeks to teach the world the possibilities that can originate from the power of a resiliency.
Who We Serve
Resilient Minds is based is Indianapolis, Indiana. RM serves families who have been separated due to abuse or neglect. Resilient Minds serves the Indianapolis and surrounding area to provide supportive services to parents, children and guardians to ensure that children have safe and loving environments in which they can thrive.
Resilient Minds, LLC is an agency that is contracted with the State of Indiana to deliver court ordered, community-based services to individuals who are involved with the Indiana Department of Child Services. Children are removed from parents care or legal guardians due to substantiated abuse or neglect. There children have been declared Children in need of services. Children can be removed for a variety of reasons not limited to substance abuse issues, educational or medical neglect and/incarceration. The goal of our services is to reunify children with their biological parents by providing evidenced based curriculums to assist them in establishing a safe, nurturing environment in which their children can thrive.

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