Cognitive Skills/Education
A RM (Resilient Mind) believes that for one to be resilient they must have power over their mind. To reach one’s full potential one must exercise their brains by intentionally learning and embracing/seeking knowledge. Knowledge is power and the more of it you have the stronger you are

Family Bonds/Community Attachment
RM’s hold strong connections to their biological or non-biological family and the communities around them that are school, church, sports and extracurricular clubs and memberships. Having a strong network calls for finesse and networking. The bonds that one has are equally as strong whether they be family or community. One’s community is a true depiction of who they are. Iron sharpens iron, so a RM strives to connect and assist individuals who see the importance of relationships. These relationships help to nurture, provide added structure, support and guidance to those who dream big.

Grit & Perseverance
True RM’s have the deep desire to be successful and reach their goals regardless of the obstacles or barriers standing in their way. These individuals have a plan and know where they are going and what they need to do to get there. Life experiences, demographics, generational trends, race, culture or sex will not stop them from getting to where they want to go, because they won’t stop until they get there.

RM believes that individuals who possess strong faith within themselves and have a strong belief system set in love and positivity will enrich their lives and their spirit, which will give them the strength to push forward when times get rough. Having undoubtedly strong faith is required for RM’s. Faith creates self-awareness. Being health conscious of one’s body gives those who seek it a healthy and loving perception of themselves.

Rm’s don’t get stuck. Having the ability to pick up the pieces, transform and adapt to one’s circumstances is the true essence of what being a RM is. Regardless to what is going on around you, you must be able to re-strategize, restructure and take steps forward.
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