Home Maker Parent Aid
Paraprofessional staff assists the family through advocating, teaching, coaching, demonstrating, monitoring, and/or role modeling new, appropriate skills for coping with the following areas in an effort to build self-sufficiency
Homemaker/parent aides (HMPAs) are caring, skilled professionals who work with clients in their homes providing services to a variety of populations with DCS and Probation. HMPAs provide assistance and support for parents who are unable to appropriately fulfill parenting and/or homemaking functions. Paraprofessional staff assists the family through advocating, teaching, demonstrating, monitoring, and/or role modeling new, appropriate skills for coping with the following areas in an effort to build self-sufficiency:
Time Management
Care of Children
Child Development
Health Care
Community Resourcing
Transportation that is goal directed and part of approved case plan (i.e. housing search)
Identifying support systems
Problem solving
Family reunification/preservation
Resource management/budgeting
Child Safety
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